How to Handle Fresh Desk Tickets

Created by Contractors

 (John Hunter & Mike Green)

1.1) In the Fresh Desk Ticket set the following fields and click Update.

1.2) Open up Tracker Ticket in another browser

2.3) Click on Tasks Tab and Create New Task


3.4) Set the fields as pictured below and click Save.


A. Responsible Contact: If Fresh Desk Ticket is from John Hunter then the Responsible Contact on the Task in Tracker is OrsoW (Wilson Orso Jr). If the Fresh Desk Ticket is from Mike Green then Responsible Contact is WallD (Daron Wall).


B. Due Date: Set to Thursday (Roll Outs are scheduled every Thursday).

C. Summary and Description: Copy this information from the Fresh Desk Ticket.


Note: You will need to clean up the extra spaces in the Description when copying the text from the Fresh Desk Ticket and pasting it into the Task in the Tracker Ticket.


1.5) Go back to the Fresh Desk Ticket and notify customer. In your response to customer, include the Task #, Tracker #, and whom you assigned the task to.


Hi John,


Created Task #212 in Tracker Issue #60007 and assigned to Wilson Orso. Setting this ticket to resolved.

Thank you,



2.6) Set Fresh Desk Ticket as Resolved.


3.7) Go to Actions in Tracker Ticket.  Set the fields as pictured below.   Document that you notified the customer and save action.